Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Windy Weekend

A couple of weeks ago we went down to the very bottom of Western Australia - to a little place called Windy Harbour which has a very interesting history .
It was a little bit like going back in time for the weekend.
We stayed in a little beach shack belonging to one of Mark's sisters-in-law, whose family have owned it since her grandfather built it in the 1940s.
Here it is -

No mains water or electricity - just a gas heated shower in the back of the shed - privacy provided by these shower curtains...

A shed full of old tools and lamps -

And inside.... vintage heaven!

Windy Harbour was surprisingly windy, and rainy, but it stopped long enough to climb a smaller, less orange Uluru -

And admire all the wildflowers -

And a spot of off-roading...

The End.

PS I'm pretty bad at blogging at the moment - but I'm really good at Instagram - I'm ellimoody over there too if you fancy a look :)